I spent a while trying to figure out what my first post should be. It made no sense to start out without an introduction of any kind, and yet, I couldn't reach a conclusion as to what to say about myself! That's when I recollected a poem I wrote two months ago. I like to think the poem here and the message it conveys will humanize me, make me a bit more than just the face behind this blog. That's why this writing felt so fitting. Anyway, here it goes.
I am from fuzzy blankets,
from cake batter and vanilla essence.
I am from the mango tree in the garden.
(the one I said I'd someday climb
but was always too afraid to.)
I am from the jasmine flowers that bloom in the night,
from the intoxicating, ancient smell of calm.
I am from Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew,
from the sleepless nights spent
reading the mysteries of old.
I'm from the road trips with my family;
and arguments about who sits where,
from throwing tantrums to falling asleep on each other.
I am from the paper boats of my childhood
-floating in muddy, makeshift streams,
from the satisfaction of watching them float till they are out of sight;
and the sadness on seeing them sink.
I'm from all of this, and more.
I am, in entirety, a collection of moments and stories
All bound together, creating the person I am today.
The poem above is my version of George Ella Lyon's poem of the same title. If you haven't read it before, you should. Her poem has so much sentiment and realness, it's why I like it, and also what drove me to make my own version. You can find the original here.
That's all for today, I'll be back with another post soon enough. :)
Until then,
I loved every bit of it💛